Recently we notified you via email of our plans to migrate to a new data center in San Jose, CA.

This is a follow-up email to remind you of the upcoming migration that will incur downtime on Friday, December 17th from 11 am -8 pm CST. In case you missed our first email, below is a recap.

We are pleased to announce that we are expanding our data center in San Jose, CA. The reason for the migration is to expand our available server capacity, provide you with a better remote hands experience, and increase our total available network capacity with additional carriers. Our data center migration is poised to take place on Friday, December 17th. There will be a short downtime period from 11 am - 8 pm CST. It is possible your services may come on line quicker. But, as a whole please expect the full 9 hours.

During this time, your services in our San Jose, CA data center will be unavailable. We have taken measures to ensure that the migration is a simple de-rack, and rack; decreasing downtime as much as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will my data be affected?
A: No. All data should remain intact. If you feel uneasy, it's always good practice to perform an off-site backup.

Q: Will I experience downtime?
A: Yes, your server will be powered down during the migration. We aim to complete the migration within approximately 8 hours.
We will power on your server as soon as it's successfully moved over.

Q: Will my primary IP address change?
A: No. IP addresses will remain the same along with all other assigned IP addresses.

Q: What will happen to my billing period?
A: We will advance your billing date by a single day to compensate you for the downtime.

Q: Will the Dallas data center be affected by the Silicon Valley migration?
A: No. All services in Dallas will remain untouched.



If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Joi, Decembrie 15, 2022

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